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7 Reasons Why Life Is Better With A Dog

Why Life Is Better With A Dog

Gel Manalastas |

The relationship between man and dog has been cultivated for thousands of years. And if you have a dog, chances are it only took you a few minutes, not millennia, to realize some of the benefits. But there may be a few benefits you haven’t thought of yet, which we’ll cover below!

At Blue Ridge Naturals we take great care to craft treats made of natural, wholesome ingredients, like our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet ‘Tater Bones, so you can help your fur baby feel good while doing their bodies good.

So, sit with your furry friend, stay with a pouch of treats and reward your pal as you read about 7 Reasons why life is better with a dog.

#1 Relieves Stress

One of the biggest reasons why life is better with a dog is a reduction in your stress levels. Studies have shown that blood pressure and heart rates decrease, breathing slows, and muscles relax almost immediately when playing with a dog.

You’re not an active person? Not to worry, you’ll get the exact same benefits by just petting a dog you know.

#2 You’ll Likely Be Happier With A Dog In Your Life

One way this works is by gazing into each other’s eyes. Eye contact is important for both humans and canines. But something special happens when your eyes lock with your fur-buddy.

The feel-good brain chemical oxytocin releases so you both feel happy and loving. Because it’s so pleasant, you and your pup get continuously rewarded.

Playing with your pup for only half an hour per day releases serotonin and dopamine into your brain. This can help you feel more at ease and peaceful. Go ahead, throw your buddy one of our yummy Salmon Jerky treats for making you smile because life is better with a dog. We’ll wait!

#3 They Can Help You Become More Social

Walking a dog is pretty much an open invitation for conversations along your walking route. You’re going to pass by neighbors, and likely talk to people in the pet store, or the vet’s office.

You may even become a regular at the dog park. And soon you’ll find yourself sharing with other bark buddies how your life is so much better with a dog. If you’re single looking to mingle, your pup may quickly become the best wingman/wingwoman you could ask for. Because cute, friendly dogs are irresistible to most people, including people you might romantically be interested in.

#4 You Get Off The Couch

Even if you have a couch potato or a house hippo, your fur baby still needs exercise. Having a dog makes you more likely to be physically active. Most dog parents spend about 5 hours a week walking with their good boy or girl.

If you find your jeans fitting a bit better from your jaunts around the block with your doggo, then you’ll probably agree that life is better with a dog!

#5 Children Have Lower Risk Of Developing Skin Allergies & Other Issues

Chances are you’re familiar with stories of hero dogs alerting their family to a house fire or saving a child from drowning.

But did you know that even the average terrier helps their human siblings on a daily basis? It’s true! Children who grow up with a dog in the home are less likely to become allergic to pets later in life. They’re also much less likely to develop eczema.

Reward your hero-hound with some Pork Coated Sweet ‘Tater Fries made with 100% natural ingredients, crafted in the fresh air of North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains.

#6 Dogs Make Children Better Humans

It’s not always easy growing up and it can be tough to make friends for some. Having a four-legged friend in the home is like always being around your best buddy.

The relationship between child and dog often models behaviors needed in a friendship like patience, loyalty, kindness, affection, and listening. A child’s opinion of themself increases when they learn these traits in a non-threatening way. Learning to take care of a creature that depends on them can also raise their confidence, making it even obvious to a child that life is better with a dog.

#7 Your Dog Brings Out The Best Version Of You!

Have you heard the saying “I want to be the person my dog thinks I am”? With your pupper, you have someone who thinks you are the definition of awesome. ALL. THE. TIME.

And when someone in your life regards you with such positivity, you naturally want to live up to the hype. Your life is better with a dog because you have your own dedicated, fluffy, drooly cheerleader.

Your Dog’s Life Is Better With You

So you’ve read our 7 reasons why life is better with a dog, and now you want to spoil that little cutie rotten – we’re here to help!

Blue Ridge Naturals has a huge variety of treats your pup will love. We have many flavors and textures, including grain-free, that make up our wholesome, nutritious line of dog treats. And because they’re made with natural, responsibly sourced ingredient in the USA, you’ll know you’re “treating” your pup like family.

Want to learn more about dog care? Read “7 Reasons Why Life Is Better With A Dog”

Reasons Why Life Is Better With A Dog