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How To Treat Hot Spots On Dogs

Wet Jack Russel Terrier getting bathed by owner in a bathtub.

Gel Manalastas |

Hot spots are painful, itchy patches that can develop on a dog’s skin and sometimes lead to more serious conditions. Mild hair loss is another pesky side effect. We all want our pets to feel happy and healthy. So knowing how to treat hot spots on dogs is pretty valuable information!

Of course the first thing we want to say is this: speaking to your dog’s vet is always the best option. More than anyone, they’re going to know how to most effectively treat hot spots on dogs. However, there are a few at-home steps you may want to consider as well. To educate yourself as well as help prevent hot spots in the first place. Without further ado, let’s get to it!

Home Remedies For Hot Spots

Again, your best resource is a veterinarian. They can examine and treat the affected areas. Plus they can help determine why your dog’s developing hot spots to begin with. But when it’s not possible to visit the vet or you simply can’t afford it, there are a few home remedies that may be worth considering.

Online resources suggest gently trimming the fur around the hot spot with dog hair clippers. Why? Because fur can prevent air from reaching the hot spot and cause moisture issues.

From here you’ll likely want to clean the area. Be sure to use a gentle, water-based spray, wipe, or shampoo. One with antiseptic properties. Then, apply a veterinarian-trusted hot spot spray. Now your dog won’t like it, but ideally you want to keep the area totally off limits to your dog. This may mean your dog needs to wear a recovery collar, or “cone” for a bit. That way they won’t fuss with the area and cause worsening issues.

Always be sure to watch the area and take immediate action if things get worse or don’t heal. In these situations, you should take your pet to the veterinarian right away. They have the best resources and know how to treat hot spots on dogs. Feeling sorry for your little bud? A tasty treat may be in order. Especially if they allowed you to clean and treat their hot spot. Our Pork & Sweet Potato Jerky can do the trick!

Preventing Hot Spots With Activities

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So in a perfect world, keeping hot spots from ever appearing would be the best case scenario. Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to help your doggy avoid hot spots.

Lack of stimulation is actually one possible cause. If your dog is prone to anxiety or boredom then they may be more prone to developing hot spots through excessive licking.

To keep this from occurring, make sure your dog gets plenty of playtime and attention. Daily walks or games of fetch can be a lot of fun! If you’re not able to actively engage as much as you’d like, you may want to consider treat toys. There are a ton of different varieties, but puzzle toys may be a good option. They often feature levers, sliding pieces, and hidden dog treats that serve as a reward for their effort. These toys can help your dog release pent up energy, even when you can’t actively engage.

Also, another preventative measure you can take is getting your dog routinely groomed.

Dietary Solutions For Hot Spots

Brown puppy with 4 dog allergy graphics displayed above her; food, inhalent, contact & flea.

Allergies can be another reason some dogs develop hot spots. This can include seasonal allergies as well as allergies to insect bites. Hello fleas! But believe it or not, food allergies can be another trigger. So, you’ll definitely want to look at your pet’s diet if you’re wondering how to treat hot spots on dogs. Cutting out certain foods may be helpful.

Of course this may mean that you have to go through a trial and error period to narrow down which ingredients are giving them issues. One allergy that some dogs have is grain. If your dog falls in this camp, you’ll want to avoid foods as well as treats with this more common allergen. At Blue Ridge Naturals, we carry several grain free treats, such as our Salmon Topper Trainer Treats and dual purpose Dental Jerky. One easy way to find new grain-free treats is to search for one-ingredient treats. If your pup’s a fan of sweet potatoes, then be sure to check out our all-natural Sweet Potato Bones.

Final Thoughts On Hot Spots

We hope this blog post has given you some insight for how to treat hot spots on dogs. We know as pet parents, it’s hard to see your dog itchy and in pain. With the helpful aid of your vet and some possible at-home changes or treatment, your dog may soon be on the mend. Who knows, maybe you can prevent hot spots altogether. A win-win for everyone!

Remember, if you’re in need of wholesome treats made with natural ingredients, be sure to check out the entire Blue Ridge Naturals line. We pride ourselves in offering top-quality ingredients that are responsibly sourced within the USA.