In this post: 11 Ingredients You Probably Already Have On Hand
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    Give your dog the best!

    100% natural dog treats made with real ingredients and no artificial colors, preservatives or flavors - made right here in the USA with ingredients produced in the USA.

    11 Ingredients You Probably Already Have On Hand

    Photo of veggie ingredients for dog food on table.

    “Hold on, Rudy. I’ve got your treats right here–”

    Your voice breaks off, horror washing over you. The empty cupboard stares back, devoid of your furbaby’s promised treats. In all the hustle and bustle of life, you forgot to stock up!

    We’ve all been there–life gets hectic. There are always a million things to do and not enough time to do them. Maybe you forgot about that dentist appointment. Maybe your laundry is piling up to your eyeballs…or maybe you forgot to buy your pup’s natural dog treats.

    Hey, we get it.

    There’s good news, though! Here at Blue Ridge Naturals we offer a subscription service so this never has to happen again. Want treats delivered weekly? You got it! Or how about once a month? We can do that too! But in the meantime, if you’re a pinch…we’re going to share with you 11 ingredients you can pass on to your pup right now. And more than likely, they’re already hanging around in your kitchen! Keep reading to learn more.

    Natural Dog Treat Ingredients

    Ok. So you need to make some doggy treats. And as you know, natural dog treats are best. Sure, it’s another thing to do..but with your pup waiting you gotta do what you gotta do. But before you give Rudy just anything, you’ll want to make sure you’re dishing out safe and dog friendly ingredients. Chances are you have most if not all of these items in your fridge or cupboard already. Phew. Before further ado…let’s get to the ingredients!

    Cooked Chicken: Most of us already have chicken in the fridge or freezer, which makes this a no-brainer. Plus, it’s well-known that protein is a necessary macronutrient. Aside from building muscle and tissue, many claim that protein can help your dog’s coat shine. Looking for a new favorite? Your pup’s sure to love our Chicken Wrapped Sweet Potato Stix!

    Apples: Chop up some apples and your dog will have a blast crunching them up! Apples are known to be good for doggy breath and contain lots of vitamins. Just remember not to let them eat the seeds or the core though!

    Carrots: Carrots are a powerhouse snack for your dog! They are known to help clean your dog’s teeth, provide fiber, and provide a good source of vitamin A.

    Cooked Sweet Potatoes: Cooked sweet potatoes are easy for your dogs to eat, plus they’re a power food. Sweet potatoes are known to be full of needed vitamins, such as vitamins B and C.

    Next time you order through Blue Ridge Naturals, check out our Peanut Butter Coated Sweet Potato Bones.

    Bananas: It’s no wonder dogs love this sweet treat. Although bananas are nutritious, they’re also high in sugar. Remember to serve this yummy goodness in moderation!

    Broccoli: Broccoli is known to be a great source of fiber, plus your doggo can enjoy it raw, steamed, or roasted. So many options. Remember to serve it unseasoned.

    Cooked Squash: There are lots of different types of squash available year-round. That means it’s a treat you can easily buy no matter the season. Remember to remove the rind and seeds before serving.

    Peanut Butter: Dogs love peanut butter! Tasty for them, plus peanut butter contains fats and protein.

    Celery: Celery is fun for your dog to crunch on, but did you know it’s said to help with bad breath? We all love our doggos, but fresher breath makes them even more lovable. Plus, celery is known to contain essential vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and K.

    Strawberries: Like bananas, strawberries are high in sugar, so moderation is key. The great news? Strawberries can be a quick burst of vitamin C for your dog.

    That Sounds Good, But Isn’t It A Lot of Work?

    By now, it’s safe to say that forgetting to buy dog treats while shopping doesn’t have to fill you with stress. With so many common food items that you can use to make natural dog treats, everything is easy-peasy now. Right?

    Well, maybe not so fast.

    See, while making your own natural dog treats is a great idea when you’re in a pinch, it adds more to your plate. That to-do list isn’t getting any shorter, and baking dog treats in your spare time might be one thing too many for you.

    At this point you might be thinking, “Hey wait, then what was the point of all this information? Doesn’t this put me right back at square one?”

    Nope! And let us tell you why.

    We’ve Got You Covered…

    Here at Blue Ridge Naturals, our passion is crafting the finest products for your pupper. We are passionate about what we do, and it shows in our line of dog treats.

    Is your pupper a fan of sweet potatoes? Take a peek at our one-ingredient Sweet Potato Stix. Do they love chicken? Check out our Chicken Broth Infused Sweet Potato Fries. Trust us, we’ve got a snack for all your dog’s cravings.

    We source and manufacture our natural dog treats right here in the USA. Icky fillers? Cheap ingredients? You won’t find them in any of our delicious dog treats. With Blue Ridge Naturals, you don’t have to compromise between health and taste.

    And once again –you can have Blue Ridge Natural dog treats shipped to you with our subscription. No more forgetting to pick up treats at the store! With our subscription, you’ll receive regular auto shipments from us.

    Oh, and did we mention you’ll save money by subscribing? Talk about a win!

    What Are You Waiting For?

    In the end, it all comes down to what’s best for you and your special doggo. And as always we recommend checking in with a trusted vet to make sure your dog’s dietary needs are being met.

    Whether you’ve run out of time to go shopping or you want to take out the guesswork on your doggy’s snack time, we’ve got you covered! When your furry friend is chowing down on our delicious natural dog treats, they’ll be in doggy heaven. Visit our website to see our wide selection of pup approved treats!

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