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Human Snacks For Dogs (Sweet Potatoes, Peanut Butter, & More!)

Human Snacks For Dogs (Sweet Potatoes, Peanut Butter, & More!)

Gel Manalastas |

If you’re a dog parent, you’ve probably got one of these two situations going on at home:

  1. Your dog is fed strictly “dog food” and is strictly forbidden from scarfing down those table scraps.
  2. Your dog has his own chair at the dining table and he’s having whatever you’re having.

If you’re the latter kind of parent, that’s usually fine as long as your pup is eating healthy foods that are safe for canines. You see, there are a number of foods we eat that are toxic for those precious pupper bellies. But there’s a pretty diverse list of human snacks for dogs that are generally safe for your furry friend to consume.

Before we go through the list of human snacks safe for dogs to consume, let’s take a look at foods you shouldn’t serve your pet.

Human Foods & Snacks NOT Meant For Dogs

Macadamia Nuts & Almonds: Macadamia nuts should never be given to dogs. They are some of the most poisonous foods for dogs. They can lead to vomiting, lethargy, and the inability to walk. What’s more, macadamia nuts can affect their nervous system. While almonds may not be as toxic as macadamia nuts, they should definitely be limited. These nuts are difficult for dogs to digest. And because of their fatty profile, they can lead to weight gain.

Chocolate: Unfortunately the world’s favorite sweet is off-limits for dogs. Chocolate contains substances called methylxanthines. These are toxic for dogs as they can stop their metabolic process. Even the tiniest amount can become a fast emergency as it can lead to excessive diarrhea and vomiting. Consuming large quantities of chocolate can be life-threatening for dogs.

Garlic & Onions: You may be thinking of making some homemade human snacks for your dog. But before you start working your magic in the kitchen, remember to avoid garlic and onions. While they are definite flavor boosters for people, they can be toxic for our pups. In fact, onions, garlic, leeks, and chives (all part of the Allium family) can lead to anemia in dogs.

Grapes & Raisins: You might be thinking sweet, juicy grapes are great human snacks for dogs. Unfortunately this IS NOT true. Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure in dogs and should always be avoided.

Avocado: We know, we know. Who doesn’t love avocados? This superfood for humans can actually be poisonous for dogs. It can lead to a buildup of fluid in dogs’ lungs. This can cause issues with breathing and even oxygen deprivation which can become fatal.

Caffeine: Caffeine may be known to give people a boost in their daily activities, but it can wreak havoc on a dog’s system. Lung failure, abnormal heart rhythm, hyperactivity, vomiting, and seizures can be serious side effects of caffeine for dogs.

What about fries? Can your dog eat sweet potato fries? Find out here!

Of course, no list could possibly mention each and every food that is unsafe for dogs. That’s why it’s best to do your own research or speak to your vet before giving your dog any new food or human snack. Now that we have a better idea of what human foods not to feed your pup, we can take a look at human snacks for dogs. Because sometimes, dogs want more than just kibble and in many cases you may be happy to treat them. Luckily, there are many human snacks meant for dogs. And offering these foods can actually be a great addition to your dog’s diet. Let’s take a look!

Delicious & Nutritious Human Snacks For Dogs

Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein for both humans and dogs. With heart-healthy fats and a variety of vitamins and minerals, peanut butter is a great human snack for dogs. That’s why Blue Ridge Naturals offers a variety of treats made with peanut butter including:

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are healthy and easy to digest for dogs. Known to be an excellent source of vitamin A, these rooted vegetables may do wonders for your dog’s immune system. Sweet Potatoes are a favorite with the Blue Ridge Naturals family. Visit our shop and you’ll see plenty of treats containing sweet potatoes. Here are a few:

Chicken: Cooked chicken is a great human food for dogs. In fact, it’s one of the most common ingredients you’ll find in commercially made dog food. Looking to incorporate more chicken into your dog’s diet? Add these yummy treats from Blue Ridge Naturals into your dog’s daily routine:

Salmon: Fully cooked salmon is known to be an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, and amino acids. It may be helpful in promoting a thriving immune system and better joint and brain health as well. Check out these Blue Ridge Naturals treats that incorporate salmon:

Other Great Human Foods & Snacks Many Dogs Can Enjoy:

  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Corn (off the cob)
  • Quinoa
  • Pork
  • Turkey
  • Peanut butter
  • Yogurt (please note some dogs may not be able to digest yogurt and other dairy products. Yogurt is a great human snack for dogs that can tolerate it and digest it.)

Offering something other than kibble to your dog can be a great way to balance their diet and get in some vital nutrients. There are many human snacks for dogs that are perfectly safe and healthy for your pup to consume! Just be sure to do the research first.

Does your dog have food allergies? Read The Ultimate Guide to Hypoallergenic Dog Treats

Further reading: Who Are Low Protein Dog Treats Good For?